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Interpreters' Café

  • Wednesday, June 05, 2024
  • 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
  • Douglas College - New Westminster
The Interpreters’ Café is a platform dedicated to conversation and connection. This upcoming in-person Café is intended to engage with our new colleagues, the class of 2024.

They will be coming with a lot of questions, and we would love to have experienced interpreters, 1+ years, to join us and help answer those questions. No matter where you are in your career, sharing standard practices and creating new knowledge is part-and-parcel of a community of practice. Your input and ideas are important!

Some questions we may ask ourselves:

Is there validity in the argument that connections with colleagues, or having an “unofficial” mentor, will promote staying in the profession?

When is the right time to explore new settings (e.g., community, educational (K-12), legal, mental health, post-secondary, theatre, VRS)?

You may send questions or comments to:

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